Wednesday, December 1, 2010

These are the nails needed for the Bluebird houses (Finishing nails).
-wood (acrylic) paint

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bluebird House Project!!

We need to find the perfect spots for our eastern Bluebirds on the campus!
The best environment with low vegetation and less woods will be best. We will possibly place them around the perimeter of the back field of the school?? But first we have to finish them up!

Our next meeting is on Wednesday, December 1st and we need members to bring in hammers, paint, nails and brushes! Don't forget!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Next Meeting!

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, November 3rd after school in C103.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 27th Meeting

Caleb Smith Park maintenance- we want to start now so it will be complete for the spring!

Blue Bird Houses- Density spacing will be approximately 30 feet apart

Bottles and Cans Recycling (Leteri recycling bins):

We will start once this project is cleared and approved by the school.

Designated areas/ assigned ecology members for each day of the week-

E Cafe:
Monday- Valerie & Carly
Tuesday- Billy, Dan and Tom (Valerie)
Wednesday- Alyssa W and Alyssa L
Thursday- Paige and Eric
Friday- Alyssa W and Alyssa L

Monday- Valerie & Carly
Tuesday- Billy, Dan and Tom (Valerie)
Wednesday-Alyssa W and Alyssa L
Thursday- Malina and Kevin
Friday- Alyssa W and Alyssa L

Teachers lounge:
Monday- Valerie & Carly
Tuesday-Billy, Dan and Tom (Valerie)
Wednesday- Alyssa W and Alyssa L
Thursday- Malina and Kevin
Friday-Alyssa W and Alyssa L

Water Bottle Sales- we may present a price reduction or sale...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Next Meeting!

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, October 27th after school in C103.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Club Pictures

Ecology Club pictures are tomorrow, 3rd period, at 9:10!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Homecoming Water Bottle Sale

We will be selling the reusable water bottles again at homecoming tomorrow, October 9th at 6pm. If you plan to help out, we will be meeting in the commons at 5:30pm to set up.

I (Alyssa) will be bringing a table and making a poster. If anyone wants to make additional posters, feel free!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Officer Positions

Presidents: Alyssa W, Monika B, Billy O

Scribe: Malina L

Treasurer: Eric B

Historian: Tom K

Publicity: Dan H

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How TerraCycle Plans to Takeover the Garbage Industry

Fast Interview: In this Q&A, TerraCycle founder Tom Szaky talks about why eco-friendly products don't have to be expensive, his quest to corner the trash market, and why his wife performed in Carnegie Hall in a dress made from recycled juice pouches.

Read it here!

September 29th Meeting

Hello to all new members of Ecology Club! Today's discussion included the following:
  • Water bottles - Sale tomorrow at back-to-school night, 7pm! $10 each.
  • Officers!
  • Recycling program - We need a plan, collectors, and ideas to step it up a notch.
  • Recycled notepads - Collectors for scrap computer paper in the library, cutters, pasters...
  • Envirothon - The competition is April 26th and takes place in teams of 5. Who is interested and committed? After school "review" sessions are in the working.
  • Osprey camera - It would be really great to put a camera in the osprey nest. Who can find out information on the availability and cost of this?
  • Terracycle - Really great program that involves the recycling of everyday items, such as Ziploc bags, candy wrappers, potato chip bags, yogurt containers, and more. Information here.
  • MillionTreesNYC - Volunteer plantings are taking place on October 23rd. Information here.
  • Volunteer opportunities - Caleb Smith, Earth Day beach cleanup, Sweetbriar Nature Center...
  • Other ideas - Movie showings (Food Inc., Earth), green roofs, posters around the school...
